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True cyber protection

Solusoft’s Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) gives you a safety net that protects critical network data when the unexpected happens. That way, you can restore service and serve your customers while your network information is restored.


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Pilot Light

We run a minimal version of your environment, based on backup & restore, which will always be running in the cloud.

Warm Standby

We run a fully functional version of the environment, which will always be running in the cloud.

Multi Site Deployment

We configure your application in high availability, between various cloud regions.

Oracle DR Services

Configuration of Oracle Data Guard, Golden Gate, DB Visit, Attunity and Database Migration Services (DMS).

Stay one step ahead

Figure 1

We offer information recovery services in cases of disasters. It is designed for businesses looking to protect their IT systems from technical issues, data loss, and downtime. Whether you’re using an on-premises environment or a private cloud solution hosted in our data center.

Risk Management Resiliency Program Responsibilities

The goal of the Risk Management Resiliency Program (RMRP) is to establish an enterprise resiliency framework that helps provide an efficient response to business disruption events impacting Oracle. Business Continuity is a key subprogram of Oracle RMRP.

Corporate business continuity policy, standards and practices are governed by the RMRP Program Management Office (PMO) and are generally aligned with the Organization’s 22301 Business Continuity Management Systems guidance of International Standards (ISO).

This centralized program office is responsible for providing guidance to Risk Managers in the lines of business, to help them fulfill their roles and responsibilities defined in the Oracle Risk Management Resiliency Policy. As part of this guidance, the RMRP PMO develops planning materials and tools that meet the requirements of the RMRP Policy to assist LoB risk managers in managing their business continuity plans, testing procedures, and training.

Risk managers in lines of business

Functional business continuity planning is managed by the Risk Manager within each Line of Business (LoB). Critical LoBs should conduct an annual review of their business continuity plan with the goal of maintaining operational resilience, reflecting changes in the risk environment as well as new or revised business processes. The RMRP program requires identified LoBs to:

Identify relevant business interruption scenarios, considering essential people, resources, facilities and technology.
Conduct a business impact analysis that specifies a recovery time objective and recovery point objective (if appropriate for the role) and identifies the organization’s business continuity contingency strategy
Define a business continuity plan and procedures business to effectively manage and respond to these risk scenarios, including emergency contact information
Review business continuity plans based on changes in operations, business requirements, and risks.
Educate staff on your controls and contingency planning procedures.
Conduct an exercise to test the effectiveness of the plan, as well as participate in an annual cross-functional exercise that assesses the ability of various organizations to collaborate effectively in response to events.
Implement their business continuity plans as needed.
lessons learned for continuous improvement manual of plans and procedures.
Obtain LoB executive approval

Additionally, all LoBs must:

Identify relevant business interruption scenarios, including essential people, resources, facilities, and technology.
Define a business continuity plan and procedures business to effectively manage and respond to these risk scenarios, including emergency contact information
Obtain LoB executive approval

Disaster recovery with CloudEndure

A revolution in disaster recovery has occurred with the advancement of cloud technology and the tremendous growth of public cloud infrastructure, allowing you to pay only for the resources you use. In parallel, replication technologies have evolved to cost-effectively leverage cloud infrastructure, forming a «perfect marriage» between disaster recovery and the cloud.

As a result, organizations can now achieve enterprise-grade disaster recovery at dramatically lower cost than was previously possible. There are numerous providers of cloud-based DR technology solutions. Top-of-the-line solutions provide enterprise-grade recovery objectives and stand-alone protection for any application, workload, or database, with no impact to your source servers. When evaluating a disaster recovery solution, be sure to ask the right questions about the software’s capabilities and limitations, based on the specifics of your environment and recovery goals.

Business continuity and IT resiliency are just a click away with CloudEndure® Disaster Recovery. Our one-touch disaster recovery solution uses continuous block-level replication, as well as highly automated machine conversion and orchestration, to ensure minimal RPO and RTO for all applications and significantly reduce traditional disaster recovery expenses. disasters.

CloudEndure Disaster Recovery is available on the AWS Marketplace as a SaaS contract and SaaS subscription, which means AWS customers can sign up directly through their AWS accounts and start replicating machines right away, with no paperwork, no commitment. long term, no minimum number of machines.

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Download a brochure on Disaster Recovery.