¡Solusoft Transforms You!

Leading company in technology services and applications consulting, with more than 30 years making history in the Panamanian market.

With more than 25 years representing the best database and technology manufacturer in the world, Oracle, as a Platinum Partner.

icon_widget_image Mon - Fri: 8am a 5pm icon_widget_image P.H. Gran Plaza, calle 77 Este, San Francisco, Piso 3, Oficina 3A, Ciudad de Panamá. icon_widget_image + (507) 232-9222 + (507) 6204-3767 icon_widget_image [email protected] [email protected]

Capacity Planning

It is a complete analysis of IT infrastructure resources, in order to reduce costs by optimizing their use. It seeks to guarantee the existence of sufficient IT resources to meet your expectations, both internal and external, for the performance and response of applications, allowing us to respond to the current and future needs of the different business processes and their systems. of information.

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Technology planning process

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  • Have the best solution or integrated systems to cover the specific needs of the company.
  • Avoid a negative impact on the performance of systems in the long term.
  • It allows you to get the most out of integrated systems.


  • Determine which technology solution and at what level the requirement will be met.
  • Avoid cost overruns in the acquisition of infrastructure.
  • Guarantee the functionality of the solutions, in the medium or long term.

Transform the future of
high technology.

Transforming the future of high technology requires a scalable cloud platform. Find out how we can help you start your ideal transition to the cloud.

HighTech Trends



¿Que es solución de respaldo? Sí, los servicios de copia de seguridad administrados se refieren a un servicio en el que un proveedor de terceros gestiona el proceso de copia de seguridad de los datos de una empresa. El proveedor

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Servicios Multicloud

El lema es: ¡Venda más y mejor! A continuación, se listan los servicios que podemos ofrecer en las diferentes plataformas de nube como lo es Amazon Web Services (AWS), Oracle Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud. Espero que la información contenida

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