¡Solusoft Transforms You!

Leading company in technology services and applications consulting, with more than 30 years making history in the Panamanian market.

With more than 25 years representing the best database and technology manufacturer in the world, Oracle, as a Platinum Partner.

icon_widget_image Mon - Fri: 8am a 5pm icon_widget_image P.H. Gran Plaza, calle 77 Este, San Francisco, Piso 3, Oficina 3A, Ciudad de Panamá. icon_widget_image + (507) 232-9222 + (507) 6204-3767 icon_widget_image [email protected] [email protected]
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Authorized Partner of manufacturers

University and certifications
Customized Workshops and Technical Courses
Consulting on Digital Transformation
Workshops & Consulting on change management and
Digital Transformation in IT Projects
Accountability Training & Design Thinking
Workshops • Customized Courses and Workshops for
organizations & public sector

Workshops and Training - Data Governance

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  • GD01 – Reference framework for data management
  • GOB02 – Data governance
  • ARQ02 – Data architecture
  • MOD01 – Data modeling
  • SEG02 – Data security
  • MET01 – Metadata
  • CAL01 – Data quality for executives. It has no dependency.
  • GD02 – Data management for
  • GD03 – How to turn your data into money?
  • GOB01 – Introduction to data governance 
  • For functionals and has no dependency
  • DWH01 – Business Intelligence in Excel
  • DWH02 – Introduction to Analytics 
  • BIG01 – Fundamentals of machine learning.

Enroll in our workshops and courses

Strengthen your knowledge with our CDMP Certification Authorized Data Governance Courses. 
Our objective is to instruct our clients on the best way to achieve operational efficiency, financial profitability and competitive advantages, based on better decision-making based on information using internationally proven methodologies and frameworks.