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icon_widget_image Mon - Fri: 8am a 5pm icon_widget_image P.H. Gran Plaza, calle 77 Este, San Francisco, Piso 3, Oficina 3A, Ciudad de Panamá. icon_widget_image + (507) 232-9222 + (507) 6204-3767 icon_widget_image [email protected] [email protected]

pentest Vulnerabilidades y monitorización. Security Analysis Service,

Unique Vulnerability Analysis platform with a 100% passive recognition module

The primary goal of penetration testing is to determine security weaknesses. A penetration test can also be used to test compliance with an organization’s security policy, the security awareness of its employees, and the organization’s ability to identify and respond to security incidents.



pentest365 solusoftaws solusoft

Everything you need to manage the security of your organization through a reliable platform

growth 1Passive discovery of vulnerabilities

P365 is the only platform that performs a 100% passive recognition of assets, ports, web technologies, vulnerabilities, SSL/TLS certificates, DNS graphs, sub domains, emails and much more without the need to scan or connect to the analyzed targets.

ganadorPersistent Development and Automatic Updates

All the source code is always under audit and security reviews, the improvements and updates of the platform never stop and the development of new features is based on a road map of suggestions made by a team of experts and our own users.

red de la nubeEasy to use

Unlike other solutions that have multiple and complex layers of configuration, in Pentest365 we remove all that complexity, with the purpose of providing an intuitive and friendly experience for the user so that the user can detect and remediate vulnerabilities faster and more effectively.

infographicReduce Risk, Cost and Time

Our technology is aimed at reducing technological risk, lowering operating costs and shortening reaction and remediation times to optimize the ROI of your organization.

ideaCentralized Management

It reduces the need for human resources, improving the overall profitability of security protection and all from a centralized console that allows you to expand your auditing capabilities without increasing your human resources.

redAgentless solution

In a matter of minutes you can start scanning the entire IT Infrastructure of your organization, without complicated and time-consuming agent installations on all computers. In both the Cloud and Onpremise versions, P365 technology does not require agents.


ib3 8 2Continuous execution of multiple concurrent security evaluations, in repetition plans.

ib3 8 2We ensure that all data and metadata from your infrastructure is collected, even revealing sensitive information.

ib3 8 2Run security penetration tasks.

ib3 8 2Analysis of all the technologies and libraries that are available in your infrastructure.

ib3 8 2Verify that the best web development practices are maintained, taking into account HTTP headers.

ib3 8 2Visualization of all services and open ports of the infrastructure.

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Download a Penetration Test (Pentest) brochure