¡Solusoft Transforms You!

Leading company in technology services and applications consulting, with more than 30 years making history in the Panamanian market.

With more than 25 years representing the best database and technology manufacturer in the world, Oracle, as a Platinum Partner.

icon_widget_image Mon - Fri: 8am a 5pm icon_widget_image P.H. Gran Plaza, calle 77 Este, San Francisco, Piso 3, Oficina 3A, Ciudad de Panamá. icon_widget_image + (507) 232-9222 + (507) 6204-3767 icon_widget_image [email protected] [email protected]

Embrace digital transformation with DevOps automation solutions

The DevOps movement is focused on delivering software faster and more efficiently, without breaking things as often. To meet these goals, companies must change their organizational structure and culture, as well as the tools and processes they use.

We offer application containerization services and modernize traditional applications into container images.


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docker solusoft

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The experiences of working with our community and customers to help companies of all sizes and industries become high-speed software organizations have been built into Chef Automate, making it the most flexible and scalable platform to build, deploy and manage infrastructure, applications, and compliance.

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  • Instant start of system resources.
  • Container-based environments can be replicated, templated, and validated for production environments.
  • Low impact for high performance with a high security profile.

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