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Monitoring Platform

Find and fix problems. To do this, have a single integrated platform to monitor your entire application ecosystem: end users, applications, infrastructure components. Additionally, you can receive notifications and alerts for incidents and problems.


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In many cases as our assets grow, monitoring performance and security issues catches us by surprise and becomes more difficult to sustain every day

How our customers have benefited

f3 7100% availability for database servers

f3 7Double the speed of delivery for development changes

f3 7Saved two hours a day in follow-up time

f3 7Ability to scale application and server operations at an unprecedented rate

Optimize performance

ib14 7 1When performance issues occur, time is at a premium. Get a specific set of performance metrics that quickly pinpoint the cause of performance issues. Correlate metrics and compare them to your baseline activity to quickly find the root cause, not just the symptoms.

Keep your assets safe and secure

ib14 7 1With effective monitoring in place, you receive alerts about security issues that put your data at risk, such as unauthorized access attempts. Maximizing server availability also meets database availability requirements under legislation

Continuously improve your implementation processes

ib14 7 1Once you’ve automated your deployments, you need to make sure everything works as expected in production. Identify if deployments are causing performance issues and feedback to development, to create a DevOps feedback loop that helps you continually improve.

Diagnose and resolve issues and minimize downtime

ib14 7 1Identify trends and prevent problems that occur frequently. With preconfigured and customizable alerts, you get a view of priority issues along with baseline analysis and built-in reporting capabilities.

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Monitor and maintain systems anywhere

ib14 7 1Enable better collaboration by providing distributed teams with shared visibility into server performance and the impact of deployments.

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