¡Solusoft Transforms You!

Leading company in technology services and applications consulting, with more than 30 years making history in the Panamanian market.

With more than 25 years representing the best database and technology manufacturer in the world, Oracle, as a Platinum Partner.

icon_widget_image Mon - Fri: 8am a 5pm icon_widget_image P.H. Gran Plaza, calle 77 Este, San Francisco, Piso 3, Oficina 3A, Ciudad de Panamá. icon_widget_image + (507) 232-9222 + (507) 6204-3767 icon_widget_image ventas@solusoft.com mercadeo@solusoft.com

Webinar: Charla con Netfoundry

Unlocking the information!

With the NetFoundry talk you will be able to learn and learn more about this secure platform that allows you to create and carry more powerful and controlled applications, achieving integration of your private networks.

Speaker: Rafaél Escobar y Abdel Martínez

Project Info
